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Win R75 000 with Fitch & Leedes and Bokeh


In 1583, two intrepid gentleman merchants, sailed from London onboard the Tyger in search of

exotic new tastes from India and the East.

Their names were Fitch & Leedes!

The voyage Fitch undertook is alluded to by Shakespeare in Macbeth. Leedes later undertook

the task of Court Jeweller for the Mughal Emperor of Akbar.

Both were jailed on the island of Goa in 1584 and finally escaped to explore India and its exotic


Using wit, charm and a backing track of epic proportions, they went on to bring flavours and

delights back to Europe that made Marco Polo seem like a day trader.

Using product placement and your quirky sense of humour, tell us the story of how

Fitch & Leedes became the most inspirational mixer in the world!

Click the Link Below for the full Brief………

Fitch & Leedes Bokeh FFF 2019 Brief

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